

4th May 15

Prof Huang Shi Pei, 70 years old, started clinical practice, teaching and research in Chinese medicine since 1967. He served as the President of Yuexiu Hospital of Chinese Medicine from 1983 to 2003. Currently he is adjunct Associate Professor in the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. He is also the Committee member of the Febrile Disease Sub-Committee, China Association of Chinese Medicine; the Advisor to the Shang Han Lun Formulas Committee, Guangdong Provincial Association of Chinese Medicine; the Chair, Zhongjing Theory Committee of Guangzhou Association of Chinese Medicine. He is the Honorary Director, Guangzhou Shisan Hang Chinese Medicine Clinic. He has conducted sound research in Chinese medicine classic literature. Particularly he applies Shang Han Lun formulas to the clinical practice. He is experienced in using them to treat commonly seen, frequently encountered and difficult-to-treat conditions. He has been invited to deliver keynote speech in international and national symposia of Shang Han Lun formulas organised by State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China Association of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing university of Chinese Medicine and Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. He has also authored a few books such as Huang Shipei’s Experience in the Application of Shang Han Lun Formulas and Experience in Shang Han Lun from Four Major Experts which have been published by the China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine.