
FCMA - Webinar (ZOOM) March 2022

12th March 22

Organiser: FCMA

Co-organiser: Chinese Medicine Industry Council of Australia (CMIC); Qihuang Healthcare


Attendees: Members of FCMA or CMIC and all Chinese medicine practitioners or students are welcomed
出席者:欢迎FCMA 或CMIC会员及所有中医师或中医学生

Enquiries: Text or phone Dr Yanyi Wang on 0423 427 330
联系人:王炎燚博士,短信或致电:0423 427 330

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Meeting ID (会议号):852 9271 7934
Passcode (密码):123456
Program 讲座流程
时间 Topic
题目 Speaker
演讲者 English interpreter
1.00pm Opening
开场白 Yangyi Wang
王炎燚 English and Chinese bilingual
English speakers, please stay in the main room of Zoom
1.05pm Assessment and management for adverse reactions of Covid-19 vaccination with Chinese herbal medicine
(75 min PT plus 15 min Q&A)
Chijing LIU
刘炽京 Yousong XING
English speakers, please select the interpreter channel in Zoom
2.35pm Chinese herbal medicine for COVID-19: current evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis
(45 min PT plus 15 min Q&A)
Sherman GU
古旭明 English and Chinese bilingual
English speakers, please stay in the main room of Zoom
3.35pm Tea time
3.55pm Clinical experience in management Omicron variant infection cases with Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture
(25 min PT plus 5 min Q&A)
(25分钟发言,5分钟问答) Yuetao SHAN
单越涛 Yanyi WANG
English speakers, please select the interpreter channel in Zoom
4.25pm Case study of Chinese herbal medicine for post Covid-19 conditions
(25 min PT plus 5 min Q&A)
(25分钟发言,5分钟问答) Janet Pai
王俭 Eric CHEN
English speakers, please select the interpreter channel in Zoom
4.55pm A discussion on the safety of Chinese herbal medicine and its assessing issues in Australia
(45 min PT plus 15 min Q&A)
(45分钟发言,15分钟问答) Max MA
马安阳 David LU
English speakers, please select the interpreter channel in Zoom
5.55pm Closing remarks
结语 Yangyi Wang
王炎燚 English and Chinese bilingual
English speakers, please stay in the main room of Zoom
6.00pm Conclusion

Biography of the presenters
Chijing Liu, graduated from Shandong University of Chinese Medicine in 1983. He also acts as the vice president of Supervisory Board, president of Pulse Group and vice president of Umbilical Acupuncture Group of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS). Dr Liu has significant experience in pulse taking and umbilical acupuncture. Since the Covid-19 outbreak, Dr Liu has helped many patients with Covid-19 or with side effects of Covid-19 vaccination. In this webinar, Dr Liu will discuss his experience and treatment method of managing such patients.
刘炽京,1983年毕业于中国山东中医药大学中医系,现任世界中医药联合会(世界中联)监事会副主席,世界中联脉象研究专业委员会会长,世界中联易医脐针常务副会长兼秘书长,主要从事脉象与脐针的临床与研究工作。自新冠病毒爆发全球流行以来, 他接诊了大量新冠以及新冠疫苗副作用的患者。 本次讲座,刘医生将讲解他应用中医药管理新冠病毒的一系列症状及常见新冠疫苗副作用的经验和思路。

Sherman Gu, graduated from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine in 1982. He has been involved in clinical practice, education and research in Chinese medicine since. Dr Gu completed his postgraduate studies with awards of Master of Applied Science and PhD at the RMIT University where he received strict training in Evidence-based Medicine (EBM) methodology including systematic review with meta-analysis, medical statistic, design, implementation and reporting of randomised controlled trials (RCT). He has published papers and research letters in top medical journals such as Cochrane Collaboration, JAMA and British Journal of Dermatology. Dr Gu has devoted to evaluation of effect of Chinese medicine with method of EBM for years. In this webinar, Sherman will report methods and findings of Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) for COVID-19 from a systematic review and meta-analysis conducted by his team. The findings provide preliminary EBM evidence to support the clinical application of CHMs for the condition.

Yuetao Shan, was born in a Chinese medicine family and graduated from the Fujian University of Chinese medicine. She has been practiced Chinese medicine in China, New Zealand and Australia since 1992 and gains extensive experience. Dr. Shan also acts as the vice president of Pulse group of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies. In this webinar, Dr Shan will share her experience in management of Covid-19 with Omicron variant infection cases with Chinese herbal medicine.

Janet Pai, graduated from Nanjing University of Chinese medicine with a Master degree in 2003. She is a registered Chinese medicine practitioner and acupuncturist in Australia. Dr. Pai has significant experience in applying Chang Sang Jun’s Pulse method in the Chinese medicine syndrome diagnosis and treatment. In this webinar, Dr Pai will share her experience of management of post Covid-19 conditions with Chinese herbal medicine.

王俭, 2003年毕业于南京中医药大学本硕连读专业。 2004年来澳后 成为注册中医师和针灸师 执业至今。 在近20年的临床实践中 积累了丰富的临床经验。 本次讲座,王医生将分享她的几个帮助新冠患者缓解后遗症的医案。

Max Ma, owns a Master's Degree in Herbal Medicine and Doctoral Degree in Medicine, is the founding member and executive director of Beijing Tong Ren Tang Australia. Dr. Ma has more than 35 years of experience in Chinese medicine, and acts as an External Advisory Committee Member for both of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Programs of Western Sydney University and University of Technology Sydney, and a committee member of the Australian Mirror Committee of the Chinese medicine standardization committee (HE031) under the International Standard Organization (ISO/TC249), as well as the member of the Reference Group of the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (CMBA). He is the president of the Chinese Medicine Industry Council of Australia (CMIC).In this webinar, Dr Ma will conduct a discussion on the safety of Chinese herbal medicine and its assessing issues in Australia.

马安阳, 植物药硕士,医学博士。北京同仁堂澳大利亚有限公司创始成员,执行董事。马博士从事中医药超过35年, 是西悉尼大学和悉尼科技大学中医课程外部顾问组成员,国际标准组织中医药标准化专家委员会(ISO/TC249)澳洲技术委员会(HE031)理事,澳大利亚中医管理局(CMBA)顾问组成员。澳大利亚中药行业联合会(CMIC)会長。本次讲座,马博士将与大家讨论澳洲中药安全性及其评估标准的问题。

Certification of CPD:
Attendees should keep evidence of attendance i.e. the notice flyer and screenshot of the webinar then ender details on the 2011-2022 CPD record cards. A digital attendance certificate is free for FCMA and CMIC members who are audited by Ahpra or private health funds. A digital attendance certificate can also be issued by the host once the attendee pays $30.00 administrative fees.
学分证明:参加者可自行保留出席活动凭证 (如会议通知及Zoom会议截屏)并文字填入2011-2022 年度 CPD 记录表格。FCMA及CMIC 会员如果被Ahpra 或私人保险公司核查需要提供证明者,凭核查信件由承办方免费提供电子证明。其他出席者或会员需要CPD 证明者请缴纳$30.00手续费后由承办方提供电子证明。

Time zone table for 1:00pm AEDT

Adelaide 阿德莱德 12:30pm
Brisbane 布里斯班 12:00pm
Canberra 堪培拉 1:00pm
Darwin 达尔文 11:30am
Hobart 霍巴特 1:00pm
Melbourne 墨尔本 1:00pm
Perth 伯斯 10:00am
Sydney 悉尼 1:00pm
Beijing, China (for international members) 北京 (海外会员) 10:00am

Issued and updated by FCMA secretariat
8th March 2022
2022年3月8日 更新